ઈનોવેટિવ શિક્ષણ પ્રણાલી માટે
દેશની પ્રથમ 03 યુનિવર્સિટીઓમાં
લોકભારતી યુનિવર્સિટી, સણોસરાની પસંદગી
એજ્યુકેશન વર્લ્ડ, બેંગલોર દ્વારા દિલ્હીમાં અપાયો એવોર્ડ

Courses We offer
SPST Postgraduate Diploma in Seed Production Science and Technology

BA Bachelor of Arts

BRS Bachelor of Rural Studies

BVOC Bachelor of Vocation

MRS Masters of Rural Studies

Ph d Doctor of Philosophy

From the President's Desk

Dr. Arun Dave
Lokbharati University for Rural Innovation is an extension of an idea sawn seven decades back i.e., emancipation of common masses through education. India is still an
agricultural country with the majority of
population residing in rural areas. Despite hundreds of universities and premier institutions of international reputation, it seems we have not been able to align the real issues of India with higher education which is why we are not able to produce the right kind of work force.
On one hand, Globalization, Capitalism and Technological Disruption are making
people jobless and make them pursue only materialistic pleasures, environment and
moral values are declining rapidly on the other. With Lokbharati University, we wish to prepare young Indians with the right skills set to develop the country without compromising with nature and culture. The university aims at implementing the best of NEP 2020 coupled with Gandhian principles of Nai Talim.
Thus, in all, we wish to solve real-life problems rural areas through holistic education
and innovation.